Mark 3:1-35                               “PERSPECTIVES OF JESUS”                          Mark Kolbe



1.    R_______ BREAKING JESUS: teaches true r____________________ (Mark 3:1-6)


·         The Pharisees defined 39 categories of work that were disallowed on the Sabbath.  

·         There is never a time when it is bad to do g________,

·         The Sabbath became a reflection of the Pharisees pride and mean character as they consistently errored on the side of l______ over love.


2.    H____________ JESUS: sticks to His m___________ (Mark 3:7-10)


·         Even though there were plenty of people who wanted to be healed, Jesus didn’t heal e___________.  

·         Healing was primarily a way to provide c_____________ for the words Jesus said, and to prove who He was.


3.    A_____________ JESUS:  decides the o____________ of spiritual warfare (Mark 3:11-12)


·         Satan and his demon followers always attempted to t__________ what Jesus was up to.

·         God alone decides where, when, and how to conquer the enemy.


4.    U______________ JESUS: proves His r____________ behavior and inherent power (Mark 3:20-30)


·         With an improper p______________ of who Jesus was, people draw an improper conclusion about His behavior.

·         Jesus wants to make sure that people make their decision based upon the actual e____________ rather than personal opinion, misinformation, or rumor. 

·         Jesus’ goal is to increasingly press His listeners to the point of deciding whether He is the M____________ or not.  

·         Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit occurs when someone ignores the t______________ of the Holy Spirit and does not believe Jesus is the Son of God.


5.    U______________ JESUS: focuses on those who know their n________ (Mark 3:31-35)


·         Jesus spent the most time with those who wanted to h_______ what He had to say.


6.    D______________ JESUS: strategically invests in a small g__________ of men (Mark 3:13-19)


·         Jesus wasn’t interested in p_____________. 

·         Jesus chose 12 specific men in which He is going to i____________ most of His time.  




1.     We should be worshipping God e__________ day of the week.  That worship includes showing love for people, not adherence to manmade rules (1 Peter 5:2-9, Romans 12:1).


2.     We can be confident that Jesus is doing something g__________ than healing our bodies (John 6:38).


3.     We can be confident that Satan’s power is l__________ in scope and duration. (Psalm 125:2, Hebrews 2:14-15, eHeb

Romans 16:20, John 12:31, 1 John 4:4).

4.     We should have a r______________ response to critics of Jesus and the Bible (2 Timothy 2:15, 4:2).


5.     We should seek to spend quality time with those o_______ to Jesus. (Matthew 10:14, Romans 12:10,  1 Thessalonians 5:11).


6.     We should be c_________ followers of Jesus, not just people with a favorable opinion about Him (Matthew 16:24, 1 Corinthians 11:1-2, 1 Peter 2:21).