Hebrews 9:1-15

Jerry A Collins




¨   Is the Old Testament system only shadow of things to come?

¨   What reality does Jesus bring in contrast to the old shadow?

¨   What kind of Priest and tabernacle is necessary today?



At 300 meters (320.75 m including antenna), and 7,000 tons, the Eiffel Tower was the world's tallest building until 1930. Other statistics include: 2.5 million rivets; 300 steel workers, and 2 years (1887-1889) to construct it; Sway of at most 12 cm in high winds due to holes bore into all of the steel pieces; Height varies up to 15 cm depending on temperature; 15,000 iron pieces (excluding rivets); 40 tons of paint and 1652 steps to the top. Maintenance on the tower includes applying 50 metric tons of three graded tones of paint every 7 years to protect the 200,000 square meters of iron latticework from rust. 25 painters working for 15 months, requires 1500 brushes, 5000 sanding disks and 1500 sets of work clothes. It has been painted 17 times. The 25 painters who work on the Eiffel Tower still use the traditional methods from the time when Gustave Eiffel designed it. The paint must be applied only manually, with brushes and rollers and paint guns are not allowed. In total, 60 tons of paint (including 10 tons of primer) was applied in the course of the 17th painting job this year. It was estimated that about 15 tons of paint had eroded since the last time the tower was painted. Everything is covered. The construction and maintenance of this tower are thorough. Like this tower, so too, is the construction of the cross. God has covered every angle so that our salvation is complete. Nothing is missing. It was constructed and is maintained to provide rescue from sin. One way that is true is redemption—what the cross did toward sin. Sin has been paid for so when we receive Christ, we choose to be bought out of the slave market of sin by God. Redemption means liberation because of a payment made. Hebrews 9 elaborates on the payment for our sins by Christ.




There was an earthly holy place before Christ v1. The tabernacle and OT Priesthood but it is not enough.


A. Parts & Furniture of the Tabernacle 1-5

Here is a review of the OT tabernacle ritual and parts vs 1. It had 2 parts called a holy place (vs 2) and Holy of Holies (vs 3). Moses constructed it as specified by God. It was a model on earth of the real tabernacle in heaven (Rev 15:5-7). The original temple was David’s idea and God allowed Solomon to build it. The 2nd temple was commanded by God (Hag 1:1-4) for the Messiah to enter in His ministry. But the temple is not the model of the heavenly tabernacle because the Ark of the Covt was not in it. So the author goes back to the tabernacle for comparisons.

The Holy Place contained 3 items.

First was the table of showbread every Sabbath 12 freshly baked loaves of bread representing the 12 tribes placed there. This bread of presence was holy and only eaten by the priests.

Second, the 7-branched candlestick made of gold with pure olive oil burned in it night and day.

Third, the altar of incense, the burring incense symbolizing the people’s prayers rising to God continually.

The Holy of Holies (vs 3) was beyond a veil and in it stood the ark of the covenant made of gold and wood. It contained a golden pot holding a sample of manna God used to feed His people in wilderness, Aaron’s rod that budded (Num 17) and the stone tablets of the law engraved by God’s finger. Sitting above this ark stood two cherubim, images of guarding type angels each with a wing stretched over the top called the mercy seat and a wing covering him. It was at this mercy seat that the presence of God was. All of these had typological value but could not be discussed just now because the important thing is the reality not the type (vs 5). He’s getting to that.


B. The Priestly service 6-10

(1) This priestly work in the Holy Place was continual and repetitive vs 6. Offerings were only made for sins committed in ignorance. Intentional sins were those punished by the Law. This is why David said there was no sacrifice for his adultery with Bathsheba and murder of Uriah. Those sins were known violations of the Law. A sacrifice could not pay for that.

(2) The priestly service in the Holy of Holies had greater restrictions vs 7. They included A. Holy of Holies entered only once a year on day of Atonement. B. Only High Priest could enter. C. He needed same protection of the blood as the offerers. This will be compared to Christ’s blood which had saving value because it brought about His death and thus a payment. This whole regimented system revealed 2 of it’s weaknesses. First, this system/service could not reconcile a person to God. This restricted access clearly demonstrated that a entrance into God’s presence had not yet been disclosed vs 8. The Levitical system did not allow people access to God. Second, this system/service was unable to reach the conscience vs 9-10. Its ceremonies could only cleanse the outer man. In our age as well as the OT gifts and sacrifices we make cannot take away sins. The food, washings, regulations are only temporary and insufficient. These externals were only meant to apply until the time of the new order to arrive. Patterns are never meant to substitute for reality.



A. Because of the scene in which it takes place vs 11. It is not an earthly but a heavenly tabernacle. This is a contrast between the earthly sanctuary and the divine ideal one in which Christ entered. This is both greater and more perfect work than the old. Payment was settled in heaven.


B. Because of the nature of this offering vs 12. The goat was for the people (Lev 16:15), the bull for the

 priest (Lev 12:11). Jesus blood left the way open forever.


C. Because of the accomplishment of this sacrifice vs 12. The value of this sacrifice is immeasurably greater than the animal offerings of the old system. A perfect ransom price been paid for human redemption and because there is no need to be paid again that redemption is an eternal one!


D. It provides us with genuine cleansing 13-14. Old covenant rituals only cleaned the outside. But Christ’s sacrifice was absolutely perfect. So much so, that there is no reason to return to the dead works of the old system that could not do this inside job on us. In contrast to Christ’s work which, that old system can never impart spiritual life to us. It is the blood of Christ, which removes our defilement, cleanses our conscience and sets us free. (Discovery channel show about people wanting to be freed of guilt by turning selves in).


E. It Ratifies a new covenant 15 A new covenant is needed and Christ is it’s mediator so we can receive an eternal inheritance vs 15. A blood covenant is unchangeable when it has been ratified by blood. Until that point the terms can be changed. Christ ratified it with his own blood. The death of Christ retroactively covered the sins of OT saints. Their faith was reckoned as righteousness but their actual holiness, which gave them the ability to stand before God was accomplished when, and only when Jesus died on the cross. Abe, Moses and David were redeemed the same time you and I were—when Jesus died on the cross to actually pay for sin



(1) The worship we offer to God is pale reflection of the true worship in heaven. Our liturgy, forms, institutions are no more sacred than furniture of the tabernacle.

(2) The old was a preview of coming attractions in Jesus Christ. It is completed and the new is here.

(3) My sins and everyone else’s were paid for when Christ died on the cross.